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Lost Property

Lost something?

We’ll help you get reunited.

Please view our Misplaced or Lost Property Policy Here

You can use the contact form below 24 hours a day. It will take up to 72 hours for us to check the details you have provided. Please be aware that you will only receive a response if your item has been found.  All items unclaimed after 28 days will be donated to charity.

To best help us locate your lost property, please try to include the following information when contacting us;

1. Your Collection Address

We will normally ask you to give us the address the taxi picked you up from. So please have this to hand where possible.

2. Booking Contact Number

The easiest way to help us track your lost property is by providing us with the contact telephone number you used to book your taxi.

3. A Detailed Description

Please give us as much detail as possible when describing your lost property, this will help us locate it faster.

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